Mette and Ikenna kicked some but! Yes they did! The first edition of Strawberry Earth Wonderland was sold out and a huge success!
What is Strawberry Earth Wonderland you might think? It is an international event combining Eco fashion, art and music. Another big event and this time in the old newspaper building 'TROUW'. What a great location this was too!
I asked my good friend Eva van Liempt to start a small collection of accessories with me, and combining our different styles. And our inspiration was...? Do I really have to tell you again? I guess I do, BOWS! Bows everywhere, so many bows that we lost track of all our designs and minds... But what a collection we ended up with. It was almost a shame to sell some of our lovely Eco-bows :-(... But the reactions we got on our collection, made up for all the heartache (ow how dramatic, I know!) We even got to do some great interviews, pose like we never posed before for some pictures, exchanged a truckload of business cards and even had time for some lame jokes and bathroom breaks.
Strawberry Earth also loves bringing new artists here for their events, and this time they did it again, The Amplifetes! A brand new 4-piece band from Sweden who totally rocked (like us) and made sitting next to our stand difficult! What a shame..
But we were not the only 'great label' (and with 'great label' I do mean SugaRush & Madame Papillon) exhibiting there. Strawberry Earth also invited some very very nice fashion and beauty labels from all over Europe and some of their creative friends to exhibit their designs and art work. You can see who was their for this event on Do check this out, because even though this happened 2 weeks ago, they will be rocking another big venue with this event next year!
Little exposure in 'Het Parool'.
Keep your eyes and ears open. And don't forget..... SugaRush and Madame Papillon will be back!
See Ya!