woensdag 31 maart 2010

Strings And Such

Just a little preview/update.. For some strange reason I'm into strings and not just any strings no! They have to be long and coloured.

A few weeks ago I tripped over a massive pile of fabrics and swatches (and my sowingmachine hidden underneath, auw! that hurt!). After a short break, shouting and rubbing my toes, I just started cutting strings out of pure boredom (an emotional state experienced during periods lacking activity or when individuals are uninterested in the opportunities surrounding them, so you know). Seeing all those little strings on my floor made me regret my decision to cut-up all those beautiful fabrics (but I knew I've had them for like a thousand years). A bit disappointed I started picking up everything and throwing them into a big garbage bag, at least I wasn't bored anymore...
I almost wanted to cry, why did I ruin all those fabrics? I wish I could put them all back together... I went to sleep and dreamed a dream of all the strings and saw them hanging off of a tree, like leaves (yes I know but everything comes to me while sleeping or daydreaming). I woke up the next morning and just put them back together.

Still busy with my strings, their still strings and strings don't necessarily do want you want them to do... So see a little preview of Sugarush or SugaStrings..

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