dinsdag 22 februari 2011

Jim's Skull Obsession

It seems like skulls are sticking to us like glue, don't they? It is a strange kind of obsession we have with the remains of the dead... I have to admit that I am one of you! It doesn't really add up with my other obsession, Hello Kitty... But hey! Who cares, I'm a strange little girl (so I hear, even from my own parents). But this is not why I started this story, I started this story because of Jim!

Jim is a guy, a guy with an obsession. An obsession that just grew and grew (unlike me), and resulted in some kind of weird art, that really caught my attention! Jim traveled most of the world for inspiration, from New Zea land to New Hebrids, and discovers Australia, India, Hong Kong and so on. You might call him, a well traveled kind of guy wouldn't you? I would...

In the 1980's he creates his first skulls. His vocation is now revealed, and will never leave him.

I was really drawn to these color full skulls. Jim's skulls keep you amazed, looking and finding more little details of real craftsmanship. And may I say, the color combination's are beau-ti-ful!

These pieces are more organic. His color use is natural and more detailed.

My favorite (almost, I don't know which one to love more to be honest!)

I can't promise you I won't post more about skulls and bones (and all other parts I might have forgotten to mention). But I do promise you...uhm... To keep posting more of my favorite findings, about everything that makes me (almost) not want to share it!

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